sábado, 11 de febrero de 2012



Milan is the city of the fashion, not only in Italy, but all around the world. It's a nice city, maybe with not a lot of things to see, but with a very exciting night life: pubs, restaurants, discoteques,... Also is a very cultural city. I liked, but it was not the city that I liked the most of the trip. I've got to say that it had a very strong competence, and after seeing Paris, Amsterdam, Berlin and Brugges, for example, Milan it seems not the best, but it's very interesting too.


- The Duomo (it's the cathedral of the city and one of the most famous in the world) and its square

- The Victor Manuel Gallery. Just in front of the Duomo, it's a gallery with a lot of fashionable shops.

- Theatre La Scala  
- Church Santa Maria de la Gracia, where it's exhibited the great picture of the master Leonardo Da Vinci called "The last Dinner"

- The aquarium

- The Brera Pinacothec
- Sforza Castle

- The Leonardo Da Vinci Museum
- To the lovers of football: San Siro Stadium, the stadium of AC Milan and Inter of Milan.

17TH AUGUST 2007

Our last stop in this tripp will be Milan. We decided it the last night in Munich. We had to start our come back to home, and we thought that Milan could be a very good end. We are already a little tired and we have choosen a city with not very much things to see. Anyway, sure we'll come back some day and we will see the things we didn't see the last time.

To arrive to Milan, we must go across Austria and buy the "vignet", a sticker you have to give in the windshield of the car. Here there are not tolls but exist this thing and you must have it, if not, they fine you. We only need it for some hours, but the smallest is for a week, so we buy this one. We buy it in an oil station in the nearest of Innsbruck. It's cloudy and we have 12º, another sudden change of temperature, but we are neare of the Alpes and we note it, because the landscape we see is very nice. When we enter into Italy, we discover how expensive is to drive by there. There are a lot of tolls, and we were complaining about Catalonia!! I think here is worse. Here, the temperature goes up and in a few hours, we have more than 30º and very hot. We arrive to Milan about 14:00. We find a room in the Novotel and installed ourselves. We eat something of our little refrigerator. We fall sleep in the bed with the air conditioned conected. At 5 o'clock sounds the alarm and we prepare to know the city.

We look for a parking to park the car, but they are so expensive: 5 € per hour. We try to find a place in the street and in the end, we find a place in the load area whose schedule is on the point of finishing. We walk towards the Duomo Square, where it's located the Milan Cathedral. This time we don't have any guidbook neither, because we decided to come here last night. The cathedral is very nice and big, just as we imagined when we have seen in TV a lot of times. It's full of scaffolds, it is in works, so the photos are not very nicely but well... We must pay to enter, but we don't want to pay. Now I don't remember how much is it, but it's no cheap. We see only the outsides. We walk along the square with a lot of people and souvenirs shops, and then we see the Victor Manuell Galeries, very luxurious and full of glamur shops like Gucci, etc.

We go out by the back entrance and we see a square with a Leonardo da Vinci sculpture and a kiosk with a lot of postarcards and guidebooks. I buy one, and despite it's the same as the Munich one, this hasn't an itinerary with the most importants points to see in the city and the down town. Only talks about the most important attractions in Milan. It's becoming late and we can't enter already in the museums and the castle because are closed. We walk along the city pacely and we decide to see these things the next time we come to the city.

We want to see San Siro, the stadium that is shared for AC Milan and Inter of Milan. We look for it in our GPS. We try to park near of the stadium but it's very difficult because it's crowded of cars. Maybe today there is a match. We walk towards the stadium with a lot of souvenirs stands with things of both teams and places to eat something like frankfurts, sandwitches and snacks. Javi buys the both scarfs for him collection and a t-shirt. We find out that the match is between Juventus and Milan. A man offer two tickets by 20 € each one. I think it's worth it and it's a good match to see, but Javi is not sure because maybe we have not a good place, so we refuse them. We buy a good sandwich and eat it while we see the people in the street. It becomes night and we come back to the hotel. It's our last night of the holidays, snif snif....

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